Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Newsletter 6

Well it has been too long since I last wrote an official newsletter and for that I apologize.

Sometimes when you are in the moment of life, you don't always see the ways that God is working. Not because you don't want to see it, but rather because you are so busy living life. A few years ago, my Pastor from my church in Indiana challenged the congregation to look for God in little things of everyday life. It was something that I tried to do but I have to admit I got back into the hustle and bustle of life and I didn't always see how He was working in the little things every day. I have a friend who often send emails telling of how and where she sees God working. These "I Spy" emails have been my little reminders that I need to be looking for God, not just in the big things but also in the little things. Imagine how much more wonderful our worship would be if we really saw Him working in everything in our lives.

I have been trying lately to look for God in the little things. Here are some ways that I have recently seen God working in my life and through me.

  • Moving and settling here cost me quite a bit more than I expected. In the last two months, people have continued to donate money to help with these costs. I am so very greatful. ( Since the checks were given through the church, at this writing I am still not sure who gave, but please know that I am so thankful for your generosity.)
  • Good Friends--God has blessed me with good friends both at home and here. There have been many times when I have been homesick and I have come home from school and a friend had sent me a card. They have all been so encouraging.
  • A few months ago my friend Liz asked me if I knew any teachers that were needing a job because her school was looking to hire. I told her I didn't but I would keep my eyes and ears open. Days later I was contacted by an old friend from Evansville, Josh. Josh and his wife Patricia had been living in China, but this past summer they were arrested for having a church meeting and kicked out & banned from China. He was wanting to be as close to China as possible to be able to still work with the pastors he worked with there, so he was hoping to move to Hong Kong. Did I know of any jobs or any other connections. Long Story short...Josh and Patricia moved to Hong Kong 3 weeks ago and he is working at Liz's school.
  • At the end February my friend Nikelle and I were driving in her car in a very congested area of town and we were basically sideswiped by a bus. The bus was pulling out from a bus-stop and didn't accurately judge where his back end was. He hit us starting at the front tire and finished by ripping off the front bumper of her car. God protected us in that Nikelle was paying attention and was able to stop before we were hit. If she hadn't stopped, we would have been farther up and the bus would have hit right where I was sitting. When the policeman arrived, we were so thankful that he spoke English.
  • God has given me the gift of gab and hospitality and I have been able to use that when the US ships have come into town. I have been able to host 3 different groups for dinner. This last group that was in town used my talents of tour guide too.
  • Last week was English week at the school. We had lots of different activities for the students to participate in and I was in charge of quite a bit of things. God has also given me the gift of administration so I was able to use that in preparing things. There were sometimes when I was needed in two different places at once, and wasn't able to give 100% to either thing, but in the end everything ran smoothly and the whole week was a big success.
I know that I could go on with more things, but then this letter would be too long. So, on to prayer requests.

Prayer Requests:


  • Health--There has been a scare recently of a flu outbreak in Hong Kong. So now everyday the students have to check their temperatures before coming to school and show their homeroom teacher what it is. In March there were 2 primary students in Hong Kong that died from the flu.
  • Endurance--School doesn't end here until the middle of July. The students are already seeming antsy to get out for the summer.
  • Form 5 & 7--They are taking their public exams now.

Orphanage in Mainland China: The orphans have been sick a lot recently and so the visits have been put on hold

Church Move: Since my church here was first started, it has been a nomadic church. We haven't had a church building that was actually ours. The church has tried to rent the same space at the convention center every week, but it hasn't always been available so we have moved around the city. You always had to check the church website to make sure you knew where to go for church. Well finally the church has found a location for a permanent venue. As long as the construction work stays on schedule we will be moving into the new facilities in the middle of May. Please pray that the move goes smoothly and that this new building will be used for the glory of God. Having a permanent venue will open a lot of doors for the church to do ministries that they haven't been able to do before.

Josh and Patricia--That they will continue to get settled in their new home and that their adjustment to life in Hong Kong will be smooth. Please pray for their ministry that they have had in China and that the distance that the pastors will have to travel to meet with them will not be a hindrance to them.

Ann Osburn--She will be coming to volunteer at my school. She will be here from May 13-July 7th. I listed a bunch of prayer requests on the blog for her. The big ones right now are for her preparation time and her China visa. One of the things she is hoping to do is to go to the Orphanage while she is here and she needs to have the China visa for that.

Accountability Groups--I am currently in an Accountability group with 3 other gals. Please pray that we would be consistent with meeting together and praying for each other. Also I am going to be meeting with the leaders of the other groups in hopes to try to encourage them to be accountable as leaders and to be mentors for the gals in their groups.

I would love to hear how you have seen God working in the small things in your life. Leave me a comment or if you don't want to share it on the blog drop me an email.

Monday, April 14, 2008


In less than 30 days I am getting a special visitor to my home.
My friend, Ann Osburn.
Ann and I met last in February '07. I was standing at the table for the Hong Kong mission trip and she came up to the table and said that she was interested in learning more about the trip. Well fast forward a few months and Ann was one of the 1o who went on the trip to Hong Kong and China last summer with me. While on the trip, Ann was able to build relationships with students both in China and in Hong Kong. During this trip, God also worked in Ann's life regarding the direction she should go for her education and future. Ann decided to change her major to English Education and is now currently working on her degree at USI. God has opened the door for Ann to come to Hong Kong again this summer. This time she will be here for 8 weeks.

Ann arrives in Hong Kong on May 13th. During her time here she will be doing a variety of things:
  1. Connecting again with the students she met last summer and doing Bible Studies with them.
  2. Working with Form 5 students as they do last minute preparations for their Oral exams
  3. Doing presentations at Morning Assembly
  4. Visiting the Orphanage in China
  5. And anything else for which God may open the door
Please pray for the following things regarding her trip:
  1. All of her support will be raised.
  2. Her preparation time will be fruitful.
  3. She will be able to get a visa to China. She doesn't need one for Hong Kong, but to be able to go to the orphanage she will need one and China is not accepting applications for them here so she must get it before she leaves the USA.
  4. She will have safe travel
  5. She will be living with me...Two girls living in less than 400 sq. ft. YIKES :)
  6. Our time together would be a time that will bring us closer as friends and will bring us closer to God.
  7. She will quickly adjust to HK life
  8. She will not experience homesickness
  9. She will quickly reconnect with students from last summer.
  10. She will quickly connect with new students.
  11. She will have good time management
  12. She will have discernment--She will have the opportunity to work with about 200 students, pray that she will be able to see where God is already working in their lives and she will be able to come in and work along side God.
  13. Her relationship with God will be strengthened and deepened by this experience.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Anchors Away

The USS Nimitz was recently in town with its fleet. This time I got the chance to host 5 sailors that are on board the USS Chafee. It ended up that Friday the 4th was a public holiday, so I offered to be their Tour Guide for the day. We started off with a trip to a tailor and then Indian food for lunch. We made it up to the Peak in the afternoon, but unfortunately it was so overcast that they couldn't see the harbor. Then we headed to dinner for some wonderful Chinese. HoHo Mei. (delicious)

We got together again (plus two more sailors) on Sunday for some Market Shopping. I took them to the Ladies Market and then we went for dinner. It was a really nice time spending those two days with them.

Jatan, Nate, Matt, Paul, Me, Nick, Michelle and Jen

My birthday

Tuesday was my birthday. And here's the funny thing...When I lived in Hong Kong before(2003), I celebrated my 29th birthday and here I am celebrating that one again. And this year my little sister caught up to me. She just turned 29 on Saturday. Happy birthday, Sarah!!

In all my years, I have never met anyone who shared my birthday. Until Tuesday and I found out that 2 of my students have the same birthday. How crazy is that?!?!

Since my birthday was in the middle of the week, some friends and I went out to celebrate on Saturday night. We started out at Habibi Cafe for some really good food. Then we went to Honeymoon Dessert for my favorite dessert...Mango and Black Glutenous Rice in Vanilla Sauce. (you have to try it before you say gross...It's very good)

Lynn, Nikelle, me and Rachel

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, cards, emails and gifts!