Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nikelle's Bridal Shower

My dearest friend here in Hong Kong is Nikelle. She and I lived together the first time I was here and over the four years that I was back in the States, we continued to keep in touch: she came to visit me and I came back to Hong Kong to visit her. Then when I moved back, she was very generous to open her home to me until I could find a place to live.

Well she is getting married this October, so I decided to throw her a Bridal Shower. Apparently, Bridal Showers are an American thing. None of the ladies in the English Department had ever been to one. Not even Nikelle: she is from Australia. It was a pleasure to plan this for her and a blast to be at since everything was so new for all the ladies.

Working on the word scramble

Using Toilet Paper to design a wedding dress

The three TP brides

The whole group
Back: Koey, Melva, Daphne
Middle: Christina, Teresa, Ann, Nikelle, Katie, Natalia
Front: May, Florence, So

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