Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bible Study

My Bible study group took some time off this summer and when we started back up this fall, Andrew and Rachel asked me to join them as part of the leadership team. Our group seems to have trouble with people committing to come to the study, so we thought we would try to meet every other week so that it wouldn't be such a pressure on people to come but it didn't seem to work. We also wanted to challenge the members to do homework, to be in the Word daily and so we chose a study that I have done before, but one that is definitely beneficial: Experiencing God. But at this time, I don't think our group is spiritually mature enough to do homework.

We will be staring I Peter in February. We are just asking that they read over the chapter prior to coming to Bible Study. We are also going to try to start up some accountability groups within our study. Hopefully, we will be able to encourage each other in our walks and the three of us leaders will be able to disciple the members a bit more.

Please pray:
  • they will start to hunger for God in their lives more than just on Sundays and Thursdays.
  • they will be open to being held accountable
  • they will be willing to commit to coming to study more frequently than they have in the past
  • they group would feel connected to each other and more like a family to each other.

On a lighter note: The Church sponsored a Wii Competition for all of the Bible Study groups. The competition consisted of Boxing, Swimming, Tennis, Running, Hurdles and one or two other events. Since no one in my Bible Study had a Wii, we figured we would just go and have fun. Well we ended up sweeping the day. We won every event!!

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